Using these comforting messages adaptil helps puppies and dogs to feel reassured and relaxed in all challenging situations.
Adaptil for dogs express tablets.
Adaptil is suitable for dogs with fears and anxiety rescue dogs and dogs that have issues of travelling and the vets.
Adaptil express is a unique combination including amino acids and vitamins that provide fast and temporary calming to keep your dog relaxed but not too sleepy.
They are available in boxes of 10 and 40 tablets and can be used for short term fast acting stress relief such as vet visits groomer visits or thunderstorms and fireworks.
They are a non pheromone natural ingredient based tablet that supports your dog during life s short term stressful events.
Relaxes your dog in foreseeable difficult situations such as storms fireworks celebrations and parties journeys vet visits and grooming.
Adaptil express tablets for dogs are a complimentary feed which aids relaxation in dogs when faced with occasional challenging events.
Adaptil tablets are a natural ingredients based non pheromone calming tool that can be used to support dogs during stressful events and facilitate relaxation.
They are made from non pheromone natural ingredients and contain a unique blend of amino acids gaba and b vitamin complex.
They are available in boxes of 10 and 40 tablets and can be used for short term fast acting stress relief and be administered as little as 2 hours before the required effect.
It is not to be used continuously every day.
Dog over 30 kg.
Give only one dose to your dog 2 hours before the start of the stressful event.
Adaptil express tablets are a natural ingredients based non pheromone calming tool that can be used to support dogs during stressful events and facilitate relaxation.
Adaptil tablets are not intended to soothe a daily stressed dog but to reassure your dog in a punctual situation fireworks travel storm.
Dog from 10 to 20 kg.
Administration might be repeated after 6 hours if necessary.
Quickly helps with occasional stressful challenging situations.
These comforting messages provide a strong signal of security and comfort to dogs of all ages.
Mother dogs communicate with their puppies through natural messages released in the air.
People were saying that the adaptil tablets didn t work for their dog but i thought it might be different for jeff.
Supplementary food in tablet form for dogs and puppies.
Adaptil express tablets are an addition to the adaptil range.
Adaptil express is a natural ingredients based non pheromone calming tablet.
Dog from 20 to 30 kg.
For dogs under 10kg.
It didn t take long before i came across adaptil express tablets.
For dogs over 30kg.